For the best customer experience, we recommend strict adherence to the behavioral procedures prescribed by the physician.
Taip bus užtikrinamas greitesnis sveikatos atsistatymas, o kilus komplikacijoms, bus paprasčiau nustatyti galimą priežastį ir taikyti papildomą gydymą.
You can register at UAB “Nefridos” clinic in the following ways:
Yes, the referral is valid in all Lithuanian medical institutions that have signed an agreement with Territorial Sickness Funds – in all state polyclinics and private medical institutions.
See your doctor again.
We advise you to check the blood cholesterol level, control the increased heart rate (hypertension), and give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol consumption). However, sometimes cardiovascular disorders are hereditary or caused by other diseases (for example, diabetes). In such cases, a cardiologist can help.
Cardiovascular diseases in children are mostly congenital, and sometimes acquired while growing up. Some of them resolve on their own, but others (such as congenital heart defects, heart rhythm disorders, inflammatory heart diseases) require close supervision and treatment by a cardiologist.
We recommend that parents pay attention to their children’s lifestyle, physical activity, provide their diet with vitamins and minerals, and create a good atmosphere at home.
We advise you to consult an endocrinologist in the event of a menstrual cycle disorder, sudden weight loss or obesity for no apparent reason, changes in body hair, delayed puberty in a child, and frequent infections in various areas. These signs often symbolize thyroid dysfunction.
Diabetes, Hypothyroidism (enlarged thyroid gland), Hashimoto’s disease, Bazedov’s disease, Addison’s disease, Acromegaly, etc.
A urologist treats diseases related to the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, male genital organs). In addition, the urologist assesses the man’s fertility, hormonal imbalance, and the couple’s sex life.
No prior preparation is required, you only need to register at a time convenient for you.
You should immediately consult a doctor if you feel the symptoms that have appeared or are already aggravated, in case of various eye diseases (glaucoma, macular degeneration, certain chronic inflammations).
If younger patients do not have impaired vision and do not complain of any other symptoms, such an examination is sufficient. However, the risk of eye diseases increases in elderly patients, so it is better to always have your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist.
When the throat starts to hurt, the temperature rises, the sore throat seems to resemble angina, but it becomes difficult to swallow, this indicates that it is a peritonsillar abscess that requires inpatient treatment. It is also necessary to appear in case of long, self-limiting hoarseness or ear congestion.
It is best to clean them not with an earpick, but with the corner of a towel or napkin. No need to try to clean as deep as possible.
When suffering from any mental disorder, it is difficult to think objectively and independently fight with your own problems. A psychiatrist can help you calm down, solve problems together and prescribe the necessary treatment.
Various psychological tests, which the patient may not even notice during the consultation, are also performed by computer tomography of the brain.
In order to preserve healthy kidneys, it is important to exercise as much as possible, give up bad habits, adjust the work and rest regime, avoid stressful situations, and avoid long-term medication use. In addition, it is very important to consume a sufficient amount of fluids – drink at least 1.5-2.5 liters of water every day.
All people who suffer from arterial hypertension, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, who are overweight, who often use pain or anti-inflammatory drugs. Also women with frequent cystitis and men with prostate problems.
Yes, you need to live a healthy lifestyle, don’t smoke, sleep well, exercise a lot. It is important to maintain arterial blood pressure control, to normalize blood glucose levels.
A gynecologist treats sexual health disorders and diseases in patients of all ages. A gynecologist can help if:
Every young woman should have a preventive visit to the gynecologist at least once a year (if the doctor has not ordered it earlier).
It is difficult to completely avoid injuries, but it is possible to reduce their likelihood.
These tests are not performed on patients who have implanted pacemakers, who have metallic foreign bodies (for example, a prosthetic hip joint), pregnant women.
You will feel the same, don’t worry, the procedure is neither painful nor unpleasant. The doctor will only guide the sensor to the abdomen and evaluate the image on the screen.
Bad habits, genetics, stress, irregular and poor-quality diet, too little physical activity.
Atherosclerosis or calcification of blood vessels, when fat and calcium accumulate on the walls of blood vessels.
First of all, complex medical rehabilitation measures are used. If the health does not improve after them, the procedures are continued – then inpatient treatment, outpatient rehabilitation can be prescribed.
Vaccinations that protect the immune system from various infectious diseases, regular health check-ups and diagnostics.
After the injection, you will need to hold the injection site with pressure for 5 minutes. without bending the arm. Do not lift heavy objects or exercise for a couple of hours after the tests, this reduces the chance of bleeding. Drink plenty of water after the test.
Blood tests are a quick and effective way to assess a person’s health. They can show even the smallest disorders, infections, diseases, viruses, cancers, genetic diseases.