Cardiology is the branch of medicine dealing with cardiovascular diseases. According to indicators of morbidity and mortality from these diseases, Lithuania is at high risk.
The most common cardiovascular diseases are ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart rhythm, conduction disorders, myocardial infarction. Doctors note that these diseases are common not only for the elderly – cardiovascular diseases are more and more often diagnosed for young people.
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+370 46 397070The most common cardiovascular diseases are ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart rhythm, conduction disorders, myocardial infarction. Doctors note that these diseases are common not only for the elderly – cardiovascular diseases are more and more often diagnosed for young people.
The main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases are:
To avoid heart disease, it is necessary to check the blood cholesterol regularly, to follow a healthy lifestyle and healthy nutrition principles. If your health condition worsens or first symptoms of cardiovascular disease emerge, you should visit a doctor who will prescribe all the necessary examinations. Cardiologists at the clinic “Nefrida” consult on the issues of healthy lifestyle and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases.
Often, after the procedure in the doctor’s office, patients have questions that they do not dare to ask during the visit or that come to mind only later. In this section, you will find in advance all the most useful information that you should know in the post-procedural period.
We advise you to check the blood cholesterol level, control the increased heart rate (hypertension), and give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol consumption). However, sometimes cardiovascular disorders are hereditary or caused by other diseases (for example, diabetes). In such cases, a cardiologist can help.
If you are hesitating whether you really want to make an appointment for a procedure in our clinic, we invite you to read the frequently asked questions section prepared by our doctors. In it, you will find all the answers to your questions even before the procedure, so you can feel confident in your choice!
It depends on whether there is more good or bad cholesterol in the blood. If there is more of the bad, there is a risk of developing atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke, and blood circulation may be impaired in the long run. If the level of bad cholesterol in the blood is too high, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty products and fats of animal origin.
Cholesterol is reduced by fiber-containing products, probiotics, omega-3 vitamins, fish, vitamin C, garlic, and medications. The best method is chosen by a cardiologist.
Normal arterial blood pressure (BP) is 120 mm Hg and 80 mm, the normal limits are 140/90 mm Hm 90/60 to 90/60 mm. Only a cardiologist can tell you the best way to control it, so consult a specialist first, because he will decide what kind of treatment you need. Unfortunately, high and uncontrolled blood pressure eventually leads to various cardiovascular diseases.
First of all, this is indicated by an irregular, changed heart rhythm. Then the patient feels weak, cannot tolerate physical exertion, and gets short of breath. Short-term heart rhythm disturbances caused by stress and emotions go away on their own.